Zhiyuan Zhang

Mail: zzy1210@pku.edu.cn


Zhiyuan Zhang (张之远) is a Ph.D. candidate, supervised by Prof. Xu Sun (孙栩), at Language Computing and Machine Learning Group (LANCO), School of Computer Science, Peking University (Beijing, China). He received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Peking University in 2019. His research interests include deep learning, natural language processing and the application to quantitative finance.

Research Interests


Selected Publications

Zhiyuan Zhang has 29 papers, including 15 first-author papers. The papers have been cited 1000+ times in Google Scholar up to Dec. 2023. Followings are selected publications (#: Equal Contribution).

Links: [Google Scholar], [OpenReview], [DBLP], [Semantic Scholar].



Phd Student Period

Undergraduate Period

Courses and Math & Programming skills

Zhiyuan Zhang has a solid foundation in mathematical and programming.


He has scored 96/100 and above in all the following courses:

Undergraduate Period Math & Programming Awards

High school Period Math & Programming Awards



Invited Talks

Full Paper List

Deep Learning: Optimization, Robustness and Security

Natural Language Processing Applications

Quantitative Finance and Time Series Analysis